To prove my point I will be going back to the 1st half of 20th Century. A few countries like America (developed now and developing then) enforced the prohibition in 1930s and it is still illegal in some countries to sell and consume liquor (our own neighboring countries for instance). It is a proven fact that the great visionary like Al Capone made a lot of Money in this era, unlike other honest and hardworking Americans. But, one must note that it is only after few years the prohibition ended i.e during and post 2nd world war, America became the new superpower ending the great depression (which I think was primarily caused because of prohibition only). You may object with the stance that why it took a few years after prohibition to emerge America as a superpower, but u must take into consideration that for a product sales to be stable, it has to be sold thro a sales network. So, it took a few years for the beloved liquor to penetrate with the network and in the lagged age which followed the depression it was very difficult for liquor to establish the network overnight (despite the huge demand). So, it began the cheerful journey and after the 2nd world war ended, it was the most sought drink in America, which made the occasions more cherishable and the world started to discover a new set of etiquettes which was entirely different than what a British butler can teach you.
Now, a recent survey conducted in India tells that the no of young individuals (irrespective of Gender) consuming alcohol is rising not only in metros but also some B-class cities and so is the development in these burgeoning towns. Now, if we see the rate at which the Investors are dying to enter into these markets, it is obviously evident that these towns are growing faster than the previously existing Metros. Also, when it comes to my city, one of the surveys also tells that despite of the depreciation in real estate market last year in India, Nagpur is not also one of the three cities which have taken a positive growth( Lucknow and Jaipur are other two), but it is also regarded as the fastest growing cities in Asia. Courtesy…….
And for correspondence, many a few will know that Nagpur holds the record for most no. of Permit rooms per square kilometer in
At this juncture, we can see that in the current slowdown Germany(hit low in past 3-4 months) is now recovering in a big way, courtesy October Fest.
Now we can see that the per capita consumption of Liquor in India is enhancing and so is the Economy. I know that you all will differ that this statement does not hold good for past one and half months, but remember that according to Indian Calendar it was the time which witnessed the month of “Shravan” which is now followed by “Pitrupaksha” will be ending on 30th Sep 2008. Again it will be followed by “Navratri” which again is a low tide period for Liquor but a high tide one for more sinful acts (most of you must have read between the lines). So for the economy to be stable and consistent we have to wait for the winter and as soon as it does I am sure that it will boost the Liquor sales as well as the Economy of the nation.
So, if you follow the rituals imbibed by parents as religiously as I did, then you better go for a toast this evening not for the sake of drinking but to improve the National Economy before it hits its low in Navratri.
Cheers guys and toast for Dr. Mallya, the Visionary for besotwing us with his miraculous sense of Business and his concern for the “Delight Quotient” of the youth and last but by no means the least the National Economy.
CHEERS!!!!!!!! :)
well, not a drinker but a humorous post...nice one...
ya, could read between the lines for Navratri one, but never experienced it... :D
I am not a drinker myself but the joy one sees on the faces of those hermits after a drink or two is amazing..
Nicely written bro..
Thanks for all the info on US economy..
I guess US needs to prohibit drinking once again due to the sudden downfall in its economy..
hehehe...dat was funny...
but short me tereko ye bolna hain ki India me daaru jada piyo and US me kam... ;-)
>> So here we can deduce that liquor does contribute to the economic prosperity of the city and in turn nation as a whole
I think its opposite:
Economic prosperity contributes to increase in consumption of liquor.
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